Oenanthe cyclocarpa

Oenanthe cyclocarpa

Kara kazyak

Perennial glabrous herb. Roots fibrous or of cylindrical tubers. Stem 50-80 cm, corymbosely branched from base, ridged, fistulose. Basal leaves sheathed, sheaths triangular, expanded, lamina 6-15 x 2-3 cm, lanceolate in outline, bipinnatisect, terminal segment 5-7 x 3-7 mm, rhomboid or obovate. Cauline leaves with a lanceolate-linear or linear terminal segment; upper stem leaves diminishing upwards, with linear segments. Umbels 2-5 cm diam. Rays 3-9, ± subequal, 3-4 cm, umbellules to 1 cm in diam., globose, 20-25-flowered. Pedicels to 1.5 mm in fruit. Carpophore absent. Fruit subglobose, 2.5-3 x 1.5-2.5 mm; calyx teeth linear or linear-lanceolete, acute; stylopodium conical; styles to 15 mm; vallecular vittae 1; commissural vittae 2. Fl. 8. Marshy ground in Liquidambar forest. s.l-120 m.

Endemic. E. Medit. Element.

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