Oenanthe fistulosa

Oenanthe fistulosa


Erect branched glabrous perennial with hollow finely ridged fistulose stems often constricted at nodes, up to 90 cm. Roots with cylindrical ovoid tubers at base of stem. Basal leaves narrow oblong-triangular, 1-2-pinnate, up to 22 x 5 cm; ultimate segments linear, up to 12 x 1 mm. Cauline leaves similar. Petioles flat, longer than rachis. Umbels terminal. Rays 2-8, ± equal, up to 3,5 cm, thickening in fruit. Bracts absent. Bracteoles 7-16, up to 3,5 x 1 mm: Umbellules up to 40-flowered, hermaphrodite and male. Fruit obconical, c. 3,5 x 3 mm; styles longer than fruit, up to 5,5 mm; stylopodium flat. Marshy ground and shallow water. 
Europe except north, N.W. Africa, Soviet Azerbaijan, N. Iran, Lebanon, Palestine.
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