Pimpinella eriocarpa

Pimpinella eriocarpa


Glabrescent annual with erect stems 4-40 cm tall. Basal leaves c. 1 cm long, petiolate, pinnatisect, segments orbicular with cuneate, truncate or cordate base, dentate; cauline leaves pinnate, segments cuneate to pinnatisect. Umbels 3-9-rayed; rays glabrescent; bracts and bracteoles absent. Flowers white, 9-15 per umbellule. Fruit c. 1,5 mm long, ellipsoid with long white spreading hairs upcurved at tips; stylopodium elongate-conical. Fl. 4-6. Waste land, rocky slopes, open woodland, 550-650 m.
Palestine, N. Syria, N. Iraq; Ir.-Tur. element.
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