Pimpinella paucidentata

Pimpinella paucidentata

Kör anason

Glabrous perennial with slender stems 4-25 cm tall. Basal leaves simple, petiolate, lamina suborbicular, 5-20 mm long, dentate with 4-15 teeth. Cauline leaves trilobed, linear or ± reduced and entire, sheathing base with scarious margin. Umbels 2-3-rayed; bracts and bracteoles absent. Flowers yellow, 5-8 per umbellule; petals glabrous. Fruit oblong-cylindrical, 2x0,5 mm, glabrous; stylopodium mamillate. Fl. 7-8. Cliffs and rock ledges, 1000-2500 m.
Lebanon, Syria. Ir.-Tur. element.
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