Prangos pabularia

Prangos pabularia


Glabrous or papiilate perennial to 60 cm. Lower leaves c. 6-pinnate, 15-45 cm long; lobes linear, 5-20 x 0.5-1 mm. Bracts and bracteoles narrowly linear to filiform, often persistent. Fruiting umbels 11-20-rayed. Sepals usually conspicuous. Petals yellow, glabrous. Fruit narrowly to broadly ellipsoid or ± globular, 8-15 x4-9 mm; wings usually well developed, strongly undulate or plicate, with outgrowths of varying size and density at their base; blocks of mesocarp tissue separated by the involute exocarp. Fl. 6-7. Screes, rocky, often limestone slopes, 780-3000 m.
Soviet Armenia, N. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, W. Pakistan, India, Turkestan. Ir.-Tur. element.
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