Thapsia garganica
Thapsia garganica
Stem glabrous, glaucous, terete, striate, solid, 1-2 m. Basal leaves broadly ovate, hispid on underside and occasionally on rachis, 20-50 x 15-30 cm, pinnae in whorls of 2-5, ultimate segments entire, linear, up to 4 cm x 2-3 mm, margin inrolled, with conspicuous reticulate nerves when dry. Rays ± equal, sturdy, those of central umbel 5-15, 8-14 cm, lateral 10-35, 4-7 cm. Bracts seldom evident, triangular-lanceolate, 5-25 mm. Pedicels 30-100, ± equal, 0,5-1,5 cm, ± indurated at base. Fruit glabrous, cordate at base, retuse at apex, 10-25 x9-19 mm; central secondary ridges narrowly winged or not, lateral with broad wings, 3-6 mm, papery, transversely striate, not obvious when young. Fl 4-5. Rock slopes, stony roadsides, s.l-550 m.
S.W. Europe, Mediterranean area. Medit. element.