Tordylium apulum

Tordylium apulum


Softly hairy to strigose, branching annual. Stems striate, 10-50 cm high. Basal and lower cauline leaves pinnate with-1-2 pairs of ovate to rounded, subsessile, crenate leaflets; upper cauline leaves with 1-2 pairs of lanceolate to linear, entire lobes. Umbels 2-8-rayed, rays subequal in length, slender, slightly scabrous. Bracts and bracteoles 3-6, narrow linear, deflexed, much shorter than pedicels. Flowers white, 10-15 per umbellule. Radiant petals of peripheral flowers equally 2-lobed, all other petals entire, with an incurved apex. Mericarps broadly elliptic to nearly orbicular, 5-10 x 5-8 mm; margins strongly thickened, moniliform. Abaxial face of mericarps with vesicular hairs. Dorsal vittae.7-13, commissural 8-10. 2n = 20. Fl. 4-5. Rocky hillsides, open fields, roadsides, 5-550 m. 
S. Europe, N.W. Africa, Medit. element.
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