Tordylium ketenoglui

Tordylium ketenoglui

Bey davulotu

Stems erect, 20-80 cm, terete, striate, dichotomously branched, softly hairy to strigose below, minutely scabrous above. Basal and lower cauline leaves pinnate with 1-2 pairs of ovate to rounded subsessile leaflets, or simple, ovate, sometimes cordate at base, crenate; upper leaves pinnate with 1-2 pairs of obovate to rounded subsessile crenate leaflets, terminal ones larger than laterals, petioles and leaflets softly hairy. Peduncles to 24 cm, sulcate, stiffly-scabrous. Bracts 5-8, unequal. linear-lanceolate, with narrow membranous ciliate margins, scabrous, deflexed, to 8 mm. Umbels 20-60 mm in diam, Rays 5-17, unequal, scabrous, 1-3 cm in fruit. Bracteoles 5-6, unequal. linear-lanceolate, margins ciliate, as long as or slightly longer than fruiting pedicels. Pedicels unequal, up to 3 mm in fruit, ± glabrous below, stiffly hairy above. Flowers 10-20 per umbellule. Sepals absent. Petals radiant, white, the outer 3-5 mm, unequally 2-lobed. Styles c. 1 mm in fruit; stylopodium conical-depressed, glabrous. Mericarps 2-3 x 2-2.5 mrn, ovate-orbicular, with thick, smooth margins or rarely moniliform at apex, covered with vesicular hairs on dorsal surface; primary ridges filiform; vittae 6, 4 dorsal and 2 commissural. Fl. and Fr. 5-6. Rocky places. 550-1300 m.

Endemic. E. Medit. element.

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