Tordylium pustulosum
Tordylium pustulosum
Kaya davulotu
Scabrous-pubescent annual, branching at or near the base. Stems 25-40 cm high, erect, striate. Basal and lower cauline leaves remotely 1-2-pinnate, leaflets short-petioled, round to ovate-obovate, terminal leaflet cordate, all crenate; upper cauline leaves 1-2-pinnate, leaflets ovate to lanceolate with distinctly caudate apex, crenate-serrate. Umbels 12-15-rayed, rays slender, slightly scabrous, ascending after anthesis. Bracts 8-10, linear, scabrous, deflexed; bracteoles linear, equal to or shorter than fruiting pedicels. Flowers white, 15-30 per umbellule. Mericarps elliptic, 4-5 x 3-4 mm; abaxial face with short vesicular hairs, margin thickened, almost smooth. Dorsal vittae 4, commissural 2. Fl 4-5. Rocky open places, edges of fields, 20 m.
Endemic. E. Medit. element.