Torilis leptophylla

Torilis leptophylla

İnce dercikotu

Usually erect, branched, stems 5-40 cm, retrorsely setose. Leaves 2-pinnate, the ultimate segments entire or toothed, strigose, less than 1 mm broad. Umbels leaf-opposed and terminal, on long peduncles. Rays 2-3, diverging. Bracts 0. Bracteoles lanceolate, setose. Petals white to pale pink or mauve, minute. Fruit linear-cylindrical, 4-6 mm. Mericarps with 4 secondary ridges bearing very long patent spines, the primary ridges between them with short, adpressed hairs in 2-3 series. Fl. 4-7. Slopes, scree, fields, waste places, s.l.-2500 m.
W. & S. Europe, Caucasia, Khorassan, N. Iraq, Syrian Desert, Turkestan, W. Pakistan.
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