Zosima absinthifolia
Zosima absinthifolia
Densely cinereous perennial; stems 30-100 cm, grooved. Basal leaves 3-pinnate, 15-40 cm with petiole, elliptic in outline, ultimate segments 3-5 x1 mm, narrowly elliptic, simple to trifid. Umbels unequally 10-25-rayed; umbellules 10-20-flowered; bracts and bracteoles numerous, linear-lanceolate. Flowers whitish, greenish or pale yellow; ovary densely cinereous. Fruit c. 12 x9 mm, obovoid, cinereous; margin c. 2 mm wide, inflated. Fl. 3-6. Steppe, limestone slopes, etc., 400-2000 m.
S.W. & C. Asia.