Araujia sericifera

Araujia sericifera


Evergreen, high twining shrub, 5 m or more, young twigs finely soft pubescent. Leaves opposite, ovateoblong, acute, base broadly cuneate to truncate, 5-10 x 2-5 cm, light green, short tomentose beneath; petiole 1- 3 cm. Inflorescence in 2-10-flowered cymes, opposite the leaves. Sepals 5, fused near base, green, erect, leaf-like. Petals fused, five-lobed, bell- to funnel-shaped, white, swollen at base, 1.5 x 0.8 cm, limb with five flared  points. Fruit a narrowly ovoid, pendant, 8-15 x 4-5 cm, pod, widest at base, tapering towards tip, with several deep longitudinal furrows. Seeds 2-2.5 x 5-6 mm, with an apical 2.5 cm long fascicle of silky hairs.
Flowering; May?, Fruiting; October.
S. America 
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