Periploca graeca

Periploca graeca


Deciduous, twining shrub, 12-15 m, shoots to 30 m. Older shoots brownish, verrucose. Leaves elliptic to ovate-Ianceolate, rarely subrotund, 4-10 x 35 cm, apex acute or acuminate, base broadly cuneate to rounded, more rarely subcordate. Cymes to 15 cm, 3-15-flowered. Flowers 20-25 mm diam. Corolla lobes purplish-violet, oblong, retuse, pubescent above with a white, 2-3 mm, elliptic, papillose streak near base, greenish and glabrous beneath, c. 10 x 2-3 mm ; corona segments violet, filiform, shorter than lobes, ± glabrous. Follicles 6-9 cm x 5-7 mm, cylindrical, arcuate, slightly connate at apex. Fl. 4-7. Humid deciduous forests, scrub, stream-sides, more rarely all rocks, s.l.-1200 m.
1. Leaf lamina and petioles gla.brous var. graeca
1. Lower side of leaf lamina and petioles pubescent var. vestita
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