Vincetoxicum canescens

Vincetoxicum canescens

Stems to 70 cm, ± decumbent or erect, grey-tomentose. Leaves to 6 x 4 cm, ovate, acute, sessile or indistinctly petiolate, grey-tomentose on both sides, especially in upper part of stem. Cymes 5-12-flowered, compact. Flowers c. 8 mm diam., subsessile or pedicellate to 5 mm. Calyx lobes ovate-Ianceolate, ± hairy outside. Corolla lobes yellow, triangular-oblong, white-hirsute inside. Follicles ovoid, to 7 x 1,5 cm, narrowing to acute apex, grey-puberulent. Fl. 5-7. Limestone slopes, 300-1900 m.
 1. Inflorescences sessile subsp. canescens
1. Inflorescences ± pedunculate subsp. pedunculata
One of the most characteristic species of Vincetoxicum in Anatolia, easily recognized even in the vegetative state owing to its tomentose indumentum.