Arum balansanum

Arum balansanum


Syn: Arum elongatum, Arum orientale
Tuber vertical. Petiole of leaves 10-50 cm, sometimes faintly purple below. Lamina oblong-hastate or -sagittate, 6-27 x 2-17 cm, unspotted, obtuse or acute at apex; basal lobes rarely absent and lamina then oblong-ovate, 2-3,5 cm broad. Scape 4-23 cm and shorter than petioles when flowering, elongating in fruit to at least 40 cm and then sometimes overtopping petioles. Spathe 7-28 x 2,5-3,5 cm, shorter than or to. 2 x leaves; tube 2-4 cm, white, sometimes with ± distinct purple band across middle or rarely entirely purple, lamina 5-24 cm,laneeolate to ovate-or oblong-lanceolate, green and ± tinged purple outside, faintly purple or crimson within when young soon turning deep purple or crimson. Spadix 4-14 cm, 0,3-0,75 x spathe. Female zone 4-20 mm; lower sterile zone 2-9 mm; male zone 2-5 mm; upper sterile zone 2-9 mm. Sterile filaments yellowish or white when young; soon usually becoming purplish-tipped or sometimes entirely purple; lower 2-7 mm, upper 2-7mm. Appendix 2-11 cm, stipitate, club narrowly cylindrical to ellipsoid, 1-8 cm, often with a bulge just above junction with stipe, usually violet purple, rarely yellow or crimson.
1. Spathe shorter than or scarcely longer than leaves, purple within; appendix purple, yellow or yellow!sh-grey-brown, 2-11 cm x 2,2-9 mm; sterile filaments yellowish to golden-yellow, normally at least partly turning purple subsp. elongatum
1. Spathe 1,6- 1,8 x leaves, vivid crimson within; appendix crimson, 1-1,2 cm x2-4 mm; sterile filaments milky white, never becoming purple-tipped subsp. alpinariae
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