Biarum carduchorum

Biarum carduchorum


Tuber 2.3-4.5 cm diam., 2-2.5 cm high. Leaves ovate to narrowly elliptic, lamina 7.5-14 x 1.5-4 cm, apex subobtuse to subacute, base gradually or rather suddenly attenuate into 9-22 cm petiole; lateral veins c. 10 per side. Scape 3.5-9 cm. Tube of spathe narrow, cylindrical, not inflated, brownish-purple or whitish outside, purplish to deep blackish-purple within, 4-6 x 0.7-1 cm, lamina 9-19 x 3-4 cm, greenish outside , uniformly deep purple inside, lanceolate. Spadix 11.5-20 cm, slightly shorter than or subequal to spathe; female zone 3.5-5 mm, hemispherical; sterile zone 14-24 mm, sterile flowers near base, c. 3 mm, curved upwards; male zone 12-22 mm. Appendix 10-17 cm x 2.5-3.5 mm, stipitate. Fl. 8-9. Calcareous and igneous hills, pastures, dry river banks, 600-1500 m.
Syrian Desert, W. & S.W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element.
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