Eminium intortum

Eminium intortum

Çarpık yılanbacağı

Tubers globose, c. 25 x 23-32 mm. Petioles 11-18 cm, greenish, not purple-spotted; sheaths 6-9.5 cm. Lamina with 3 main lobes,4.5-8 x 2.5-3 cm; middle lobe oblong-lanceolate, ± acute, veins quickly diverging from midrib at an acute angle; lateral lobes c. 1/3 length of middle lobe, linear, acute, bent upwards, sometimes with shorter secondary lobes. Scape 6-15 cm, not or scarcely thickened at base inside whitish in upper half; lamina ovate-lanceolate, straight, green outside, chocolate purple to maroon and velvety smooth inside. Spadix 5-8 cm; female zone 11-13 mm, sterile zone 20-24 mm, male zone 7-8 mm. Sterile flowers 4-5 mm, ± rigid, curved, direction irregular. Appendix cylindrical to slightly conical, 8-32 x 3-3.5 mm, dark maroon or blackish-purple, shortly stipitate. Berry 4-5 mm. Fl. 4-5. Dry stony slopes, 820-1700 m.

Syrian Desert; perhaps elsewhere, but external distribution unclear because of previous confusion with E. rauwolffii.

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