Eminium spiculatum

Eminium spiculatum

var. spiculatum
Tubers depressed-globose. Petioles 17-31 cm, purple-spotted or suffused with purple; sheaths not seen. Lamina pedately dissected, 7-9 x 9-16 cm; middle lobe oblong-lanceolate, 7.9 x 2-3.5  cm; lateral lobes bent upwards, as long as middle lobe, each deeply dissected into c. 7 linear lanceolate subacute to acute segments 6-9 x 0.4-0.5 cm. Scape to 17 cm. Spathe adpressed to soil, 7-20 x 4-10 cm, tube broad, often purple-spotted; lamina broadly ovate-oblong, green outside, blackish-purple to deep red and strongly verrucose inside. Spadix 10-11 cm; female zone 12-14 mm; sterile zone 35-40 mm; male zone 11-12 mm. Sterile flowers 10-12 mm, strongly curved upwards and inwards. Appendix broadly cylindrical, 40-50 mm, dark purple, shortly stipitate. Berry c. 5 mm diam. Fl. 4-5. Stony steppe, limestone hills,  cornfields, red clay banks, 500-1000 m.
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