Aristolochia billardieri

Aristolochia billardieri


Rootstock oblong to cylindrical. Stems 15-50 cm, simple or branched, pubescent. Leaves cordate-ovate, 2-9 x 2-7 cm, acute, obtuse orretuse, shortly hirtellous or pubescent, paler beneath; petiole 5-45 mm long. Perianth 2.5-6 cm, purplish-brown to violet and hirsute outside; utricle c. 7 x 3-7 mm; tube U-curved, 1-4 mm broad at base; limb 7-25 x 5-10 mm, oblong-Iingulate to broadly ovate-oblong, acute or obtuse, within green and glabrescent with purplish spots above hairy throat, lower rim 2-3 mm broad. Ovary densely hirtellous. Capsule pyriform, c. 1.5 x c. 1.5 ern. Fl. 4-5. Stony places in woods, scrub, 350-1350 m.
W. Syria. E. Medit. element. 
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