Aristolochia geniculata

Aristolochia geniculata


Perennial herb. Rootstock cylindrical. Annual stems 10-15 cm long. Leaves with petioles 0-2 mm; blades obtuse to retuse, 10-28 x 10-26 mm. Flowers borne in axils of lowermost leaves; peduncles 4-25 mm, lowermost longest. Perianth 35-60 mm long, greyish yellow and with scattered minute hairs outside; utricle ovoid, 8-12 x 4-8 mm, violet brown inside; tube geniculate, fanning an angle of 90° or 180° , cylindrical, not gradually widened towards the top, 2-35 mm diam., 18-30 mm long; limb deltoid to broadly ovate, subequal to or 4/5 as long as tube, more rarely slightly longer, 18-28 x 15-28 mm, obtuse to retuse, densely hispid inside with small stiff white hairs arranged in a peripheral wide band , almost glabrous in the central area and at throat; auricles ± broadly obovate, 6-10 x 6-10 mm, densely hispid within. Ovary 3-6 mm long. Capsule unknown. Fl. 5. Rough fields with limestone blocks, 1200-2000 m,
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