Bellevalia clusiana

Bellevalia clusiana


Leaves 3-4, exceeding inflorescence, to 8 mm broad, glaucous, margin scabrid to smooth. Scape to 35 cm. Raceme cylindrical, 20-40-flowered, lax. , Pedicels patent to ascending, 6-10 mm, often subverticillate. Flower buds violet. Perianth brownish with pale green lobes, nodding to patent, 4-6 mm, campanulate, lobes c. as long as tube. Fruiting raceme cylindrical; pedicels patent to ascending, c. 15 mm. Valves of capsule c. 20 mm broad, broadly obovate, emarginate at apex. 1n = 16. Fl. 4-5. Marshy ground, fallow fields, wheat fields, 850-1200 m.
Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. Allied to B. tauri.
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