Bellevalia dubia

Bellevalia dubia

 Seyrek sümbül

Leaves 2-5, equalling or longer than scape, outer one 4-10 mm broad, canaliculate, margin smooth. Scape 14-40 cm. Raceme 10-30-flowered, cylindrical, rather lax. Pedicels usually shorter than perianth, ascending to patent. Flower buds blue. Perianth pale violet or greenish in lower part, sometimes nodding, 5.5-8 mm, campanulate, with white, green-veined lobes c. 1/3 x tube. Fruiting raceme cylindrical; pedicels shorter than capsule, ascending to patent. Valves of capsule 7-10 mm diam., broadly obovate, emarginate at ·apex. 
N.W. Africa, Italy, Sicily, Balkans. Medit. element. 
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