Bellevalia fominii
Bellevalia fominii
Benli sümbül
Leaves 3-5, as long as or shorter than scape, outer one 8-10 mm broad, glaucous, margin smooth to scabrid. Scape 15-40 cm. Raceme cylindrical, many-flowered, lax. Pedicels c. as long as perianth, first recurved then patent, often subverticillate. Flower buds violet. Perianth greenish, blackish at apex , nodding to patent, 6-8 mm, tubular-campanulate, lobes clearly shorter than tube. Fruiting raceme cylindrical; pedicels to 15 mm, arcuate. Ripe capsule unknown; 2n = 8. Fl. 5-6, Meadows, 1700-2300 m.
N.W. Iran, Transcaucasia. Ir. Tur. element.