Bellevalia speciosa

Bellevalia speciosa

 Saplı sümbül

Syn: Bellevalia sarmatica
Leaves 3-6, shorter than scape, outer one to 4 cm broad, glaucous, margin ciliate. Scape 20-40 cm, stout. Raceme many-flowered, lax. Lower pedicels 2 cm or more, erect before anthesis, soon elongating and becoming recurved, fmally very elongate and arcuate. Flower buds whitish. Perianth turning brownish with pale lobes, dark violet-brown when dry, 7-9 mm, tubular-campanulate, lobes 1/2-2/3 x tube. Fruiting raceme broadly conical; lower pedicels patent to ascending, 8-10 cm. Valves of capsule 13-14 mm, elliptic-obovate or ovate, retuse. 2n =8. Fl. 4-6. Fallow fields, banks, steppe, 870-1900 m.
Romania , S. Russia, Crimea, Caucasia, N. Iran. 
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