Hyacinthella lazulina

Hyacinthella lazulina

Gök sümbül

Leaves 2-3 , spreading-erect to spreading, recurved, often somewhat undulate-twisted. glabrous. glaucous often faintly tinged purplish. Margin smooth or scaberulous, usually stained crimson-purplish; first leaf linear to narrowly oblong-lanceolate, 4-9 mm broad. second one ± half as broad. Scape 8-25cm long. suffused or mottled in dark crimson-purplish; 40 cm in fruit. Raceme 8-30-flowered. ± spike-like with sessile to subsessile flowers. Perianth brilliant ultramarine blue, ± spreading-erect, occasionally spreading, 4-5.5 mm long, tubular to tubular-urceolate; lobes broadly elliptic to ovate, subobtuse, subrnucronate, ± incurved. Filaments attached just below base of lobes. Anthers bluish-black; pollen pale yellow to greyish yellow. 2n=22. Fl. 3-5. Open stony ground, Quercus cocciiem and Juniperus scrub, rocky limestone slopes in stony turf or deep loam, often fairly damp, 200-1600

Endemic. E. Medit. element.

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