Hyacinthus orientalis

Hyacinthus orientalis

Leaves 4-6, linear-to linear-elliptic, margin smooth. Scapes 1-2, 10-33 cm incl. raceme. Raceme 2-8-flowered, lax. Bracts 1.5-4 mm, bifid, hyaline. Pedicels 2-7 mm, elongating to 16 mm in fruit. Perianth rather pale grey- to violet-blue, rarely white , 20-30 mm; tube cylindrical, somewhat widened around ovary, lobes half as long to as long as tube, narrowly ovate to lanceolate, obtuse. Filaments attached near middle of tube, slender, c. as long as anthers; anthers 3-4 mm, elliptic-oblong. Capsule c. 10 mm diam., globose, somewhat fleshy. Seeds several, c. 3 mm, black with wrinkled surface, with a distinct white elaiosome.
1. Leaves to 4-5 mm broad, narrowly linear; perianth lobes 1/2-4/5 as long as tube subsp.orientalis
1. Leaves often 12-15 mm broad, linear-elliptic; perianth lobes c. as long as tube subsp. chionophilus
Distribution of species: W. Syria.