Leopoldia erzincanica

Leopoldia erzincanica

Erzincan sümbülü

Syn: Muscari erzincanicum

Bulb ovoid, 2.5−5 × 2.5−4.5 cm, without bulblets. Outer tunics papery, pale brown; inner tunics membranous, creamy and often white dotted. Leaves 1–4 per scape, mostly humistrate or sometimes patent, recurved at tips, broadly linear to linear-lanceolate and attenuate at base, thick, deeply canaliculate, 15−45 × 1−3 cm, sinuate at margin, glabrous, acute and cucullate. Scape 1 per bulb, stout, erect to flexuose, 9–25 cm long, shorter than leaves, not elongating in fruit. Raceme dense to moderately dense, cylindrical, 5−15 × 1.5−2 cm in flower, not elongating in fruit and fruiting raceme remaining dense and compact. Pedicels of fertile flowers 0.52 mm long, shorter than perianth, patent to slightly deflexed, not elongating in fruit. Fertile flowers oblong, 7−11 × 4−6 mm, strongly shouldered and strongly constricted distally , greenish or pinkish-green in bud, young intermediate flowers purple or pinkish-purple with greenish or greyish-green tips and shoulders, and turn to greenish-yellow or ivory at maturity; lobes c. 0.5 mm long, blackish, slightly recurved. Pedicels of sterile flowers 1–7 mm long, semierect to patent, bluish-violet colored, mostly shorter than sterile flowers or sometimes longer. Sterile flowers obconical to cylindrical-obovoid, 3.5–6.5 × 1.5–3 mm, shorter than fertile ones, bluish-violet colored with pinkish tips. Stamens biseriate, filaments 1–1.5 mm long, whitish, upper series attached about 3 mm below the mouth of tube and lower series 1 mm below upper ones, anthers purplish-black, 1.5–2 mm long, pollen light yellow. Ovary green, ovoid, 2–3.5 × 1.5–2.5 mm; style whitish, 2–3 mm long. Capsule broadly oblate, distinctly emarginate, with strongly compressed wing-like and wavy valves, 12–16 × 15–22 mm. Seeds 3−3.5 × 2.5−3 mm, broadly elliptic-ovoid; surface reticulate to rugose, black. Flowering and fruiting in May–June.


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