Muscari inundatum

Muscari inundatum

Hatay sümbülü

Bulb ovoid to globose-ovoid, 0.91.8 × 0.91.8 cm, with numerous offsets. Outer tunics papery, blackish-brown; inner tunics membranous, beige and white dotted. Leaves 23 per scape, erect to erecto-patent, lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, flattened to slightly canaliculate, 732 × 0.20.6 cm, green, without a white line on upper surface, glabrous, acute to acuminate. Scape 1 per bulb, 928 cm long, not elongating in fruit, shorter or longer than leaves or equal. Raceme dense, cylindrical to ovate, 12 × 0.71.2 cm in flower, not elongating in fruit and fruiting raceme remaining dense and compact. Pedicels of fertile flowers 0.51.8 mm long, shorter than perianth, deflexed, not elongating in fruit. Fertile flowers globose-urceolate to obovoid-urceolate, 35 × 34 mm, shouldered becoming prominent in the mature stage distally and strongly constricted , blackish blue; lobes c. 0.61 mm long, white suffused with violet, and turns completely violet in older or dry flowers, erect to slightly recurved. Pedicels of sterile flowers 0.1–1 mm long, erect, semierect to patent, shorter than sterile flowers. Sterile flowers narrowly obovate, 2.5–3.5 × 12.5 mm, paler than the fertile ones. Stamens biseriate, filaments c. 0.8 mm long, whitish suffused with violet, lower series attached about the middle of the tube and upper series 0.5 mm above lower ones, anthers purplish-black, 11.2 mm, pollen light yellow. Ovary green, globose, c. 1.5 × 1.5 mm; style white, c. 1 mm long. Capsule oblate, not or slightly emarginate, with scarcely compressed valves, 45 × 56 mm. Seeds 1.52 × 1.21.5 mm, ovoid; surface rugose, black. Flowering and fruiting in April–May.


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