Achillea pseudoaleppica

 Achillea pseudoaleppica

Harput perçemi
Height 20-40 cm. Stems much-branched, terete, longitudinally striped, adpressed-tomentose, glabrescent. Leaves densely subadpressed white-tomentose, linear-filiform, curved or flexuose, median cauline 1-2 x0,1-0,15 cm, pinnatisect, segments densely imbricate, 3-partite, 0,5 mm, lobes orbicular to oblong, denticulate. Capitula 15-40, corymbs 1-2,5 cm broad, peduncles ± absent or up to 2,5 mm. Involucre oblong-cylindrical, ± angular, 3-4 x 1,5-2,5 mm. Lowest phyllaries minute, ± spreading, subulate to linear or linear-lanceolate, median and upper adpressed, lanceolate to oblong, subacute or obtuse, carinate,  subadpressed white-woolly. Ligules 2-3, golden yellow, 0,8-1,5 mm; disc flowers 8-14. Fl. 5-7. Steppe, calcareous slopes, conglomerate rock and scree, 600-1300 m.
Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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