Achillea schischkinii

Achillea schichkinii

Height 15-35 cm. Leaves greenish, densely woolly, ± glabrescent, linear, median cauline 1.5-3 x 0.2-0.3 cm, pinnatisect, segments densely imbricate or somewhat distant, 0.5-1 mm, undivided or 3-lobed, lobes orbicular to lanceolate, denticulate. Capitula 10-30, corymbs 2-8 cm broad, peduncles 3-10 mm. Involucre elliptic to oblong, 4.5-6 x 3-4 mm, shortly rounded at base. Phyllaries ovate-elliptic to oblong, obtuse, carinate, with narrow scarious, often brownish margins, adpressed-tomentose, glabrescent. Ligules 3-5, pale to golden yellow, 2-3.5 mm; disc flowers c. 15-25. Fl. 5.7. Steppe, rocky slopes, fallow fields, 700-2200 m.

Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. 



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