Aster alpinus

Aster alpinus


Perennial. Rhizomes thick, mat-forming. Stems 5-15 cm, ±. Densely covered with white pilose hairs. Leaves ± adpressed whitish-pilose on both surfaces; basal leaves spathulate, 15-70 x 5-10 mm, obtuse at apex, attenuate at base, entire; cauline leaves smaller, 1-3 cm long, linear-lanceolate or oblanceolate, acute. Capitula solitary. Involucre 1,25-1,75 cm broad; phyllaries 2-seriate, linear, obtuse or broadly acute, 7-8 x 0,75-1 mm, green with narrow whitish margins, sparsely pubescent at apices, strongly ciliate. Ray flowers 30-40, blue or lilac; ligules 10-15 x 1-3 mm. Disc flowers 5-6 mm. Achenes 2-3 mm, densely sericeous. Pappus 2-seriate, whitish , 4,5-6 mm with a few shorter outer hairs. Fl. 6-8. On limestone or granite rock ledges, screes and north-facing corries, 1800-3080 m.
Circumboreal species. 
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