Bellis perennis

Bellis perennis


Perennial, usually rosulate herb. Leaves spathulate; 2-30 x 0,5-1,5 cm, obtuse or broadly acute at apex, rather abruptly attenuate into winged petiolar base, entire or with up to 5 shallow teeth on each side near apex, sparsely pubescent on both surfaces. Capitula on 1,5-10 cm scapes; Involucre 0,5-1 cm. broad; phyllaries ovate-lanceolate, 3-6 x 0,75-2,5 mm, obtuse or acute at apex. Ray flowers 30-50; ligules 5-7 mm, white and often pink beneath. Disc corollas 1,5-2 mm. Achenes rounded at apex, 1,3-1,5 x 0,7-0,8 mm, weakly pubescent. Fl. 3-8 Moist places, often in forests, s.l.-2000 m.
Throughout Europe, Cyprus, W. Syria, Soviet Azerbaijan.  Euro-Sib. element.
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