Centaurea iberica

Centaurea iberica

Annual or biennial, 20-80 cm, repeatedly branched from near base, branches mostly arising a short distance below terminal capitula and overtopping their relative main-axis. Leaves sparsely hairy; lower petiolate, pinnatifid to pinnatipartite or lyrate with up to 6 pairs of denticulate lanceolate lateral segments; median similar, but sessile and with fewer lateral segments; upper lyrate with 1-2 pairs of lateral segments or lanceolate and entire or with few coarse teeth. Involucre 13-18 x 9-12 mm, ovoid to cup-shaped. Appendage a pungent straw-coloured spine of variable length, 10-25 mm, with 2-3 pairs of spinules at base, adjacent margin of phyllaries with a narrow hyaline border. Flowers pale pink, marginal not radiant. Achenes 3-4 mm; pappus 1-2,5 mm. Fl. 6-8. Fields, roadsides, waste land, s.l.-2300 m.
Balkans, Crimea, S.W. & C. Asia.
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