Cirsium pseudopersonata

Cirsium pseudopersonata

 Koca kangal

Softly spinulose perennial, 100-250 cm. Stem unwinged, ınbranched or laxly branched above, bearing terminal corymbs of several ± conferted capitula. Cauline leaves softly herbaceous, median elliptic, 10-30 x 6-16 cm, bidentate, sessile, rounded, semi-amplexicaule or shortly hastate at base, upper surface sparsely papillose-hairy, lower surface ± densely floccose-arachnoid with unicellular hairs or with sparse short hairs; marginal spines weak, 0,5-1 mm. Involucres hemispherical, 15-20 mm, capitula often subtended by a few reduced linear-lanceolate spinulose leaves. Phyllaries 6-8 seriate, minutely subpapillose, median oblong-lanceolate, dark and subciliolate above, slenderly vitatte and attenuate into a 1-3 mm spine. Corollas 16-18 mm, purple. Achenes 4 mm. Pappus 14-16 mm. Fl. 7-8. Forests , shady banks and stream sides, alpine meadows, 1480-2290 m.
1.Leaves ± densely floccose-arachnoid below with long unicellular hairs ….ssp pseudopersonata 
1.Leaves with short scattered hairs below, or subglabrous………..ssp kuznezowianum