Cyanus pinardii

Cyanus pinardii

 Kır kapelesi

Annual, up to 30 cm, branched from near base with ascending branches. Leaves grey-tomentose, lower and median pinnatipartite with 3-5 pairs of oblong to lanceolate lateral segments; upper lanceolate to linear-lanceolate. Involucre 10-13 x 7-8 mm. Appendage a narrow brown border with white 1-1,5 mm cilia. Marginal flowers cornflower-blue, radiant; central with strongly curved anther-tube. Achenes 3,5-4 mm, without pappus. Fl. 4-5. Steppe, fallow fields.
Balkans . E. Medit. Element.
  • 609
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Orta fillari
  • 573
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