Echinops adenocaulos

Echinops adenocaulos


Perennial. Stem bases not surrounded by remains of old leaves. Stem erect, 50-80 cm, covered with purple bristles, , bristles varying density and length, or white arachnoid to lanate with intermixed purple bristles. Leaves 15-30 × 8-15, 1-3-pinnatisect, green, shortly setulose-scabrous and glandular hairs or slender scabrid hair above, densely scabrid hair below. Upper leaves sessile, ovate-lanceolate, base of cauline leaves palmasect in to linear-subulate lobes or sometimes palmately divided to 3/4. Heads 4-6 cm diam. Capitula 25-30 mm long, bluish-violet. Involucral bracts 18-25, glabrous or sometimes woolly; middle bracts 18-22 mm; inner bracts 14-17 mm, united in basal 1/2 or more, and accrete into a membranous cylindrical tube. Brush dirty white, 8-15 mm, with loose and deciduous seta. Corolla bluish-violet. Pappus connate at base. Achene elliptic, 11-13 mm. Flowers and fruits in June and July. Roadsides, uncultivated land, rocky and stony hillsides.


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