Erigeron uniflorus

Erigeron uniflorus

Tek şifaotu

Perennial with stems 3-10 cm. Basal leaves spathulate, 1,5-3 x 0,3-0,5 cm, obtuse, entire, sparsely hirsute-pubescent or ciliate, eglandular; cauline leaves lanceolate or oblanceolate, 1-2 x 0,2-0,3 cm, acute. Capitula solitary on flowering stems bearing long spreading and shorter adpressed hairs. Involucre 0,75-1 cm broad; phyllaries commonly purplish, ± densely covered with white hirsute pubescence. Ray flowers c. 60; ligules white to mauve or purple, 4-5 x 0,5-0,6 mm. Disc corollas 3 mm. Achenes 2 mm, pubescent. Pappus 4 mm, brownish. Fl. 6-8. Screes and shaly rocks, 1850-4400 m.

Circumpolar and on mountains throughout Europe and Asia.