Filago contracta
Filago contracta
Subacaulescent, adpressed greyish-tomentose plants. Stem 1-4 cm. Leaves 15-30 x 3-5mm, subtending cluster ofcapitula, oblong-to oblanceolate-spathulate, acute, gradually narrowed and sheathing at base, erect, c. 4 x as long as cluster. Clusters of capitula 5-15 mm broad, compact, rigid. Paleae c. 3 x 1,2 mm, obovate or oblong-ovate, nearly straight on back, subglabrous, brownish-yellow; cuspidate, with 0,5 mm arista. Achenes 1,1 x 0,5 mm, obovoid, pale brown, densely papillose. Fl. 4-5. Sandy and moist open places .
N. Africa, Aegean Islands, Cyprus, Palestine, Sinai, Syrian Desert, Iran.