Galinsoga parviflora
Galinsoga parviflora
Beşpat çiçeği
Erect annual herb. 12-80 cm, oppositely branched. Leaves ±shortly petiolate. ovate to laneeolate. acute. ± serrate. Peduncles with short erecto-patent hairs and few short glandular hairs. Capitula subglobose, 4-5 mm diam.; phyllaries broadly ovate, c. 4 mm. Receptacular scales 3-fid. Ligules white. c. 1 mm, c. as long as broad, 3-toothed. Disc flowers yellow. Achenes 1-1,5 mm, with short ascending setae; pappus scales not aristale. Fl. 5-10. Disturbed ground; alien.
Native of S. America; now a spreading cosmopolitan weed.