Leucanthemum vulgare

Leucanthemum vulgare


Erect perennial. Stems 30-60 cm, glabrous or villous at base. Basal leaves obovate, 10-20 x 5-15 mm, crenately toothed or lobed, borne on 1,5-4cm petioles; median 4-9 x 1-3 cm, spathulate or obovate, usually distally crenate, becoming entire and attenuate towards petiole, or coarsely serrate and sometimes pinnatifid at base; upper smaller, linear-oblong, ± entire. Involucre 1-2 cm broad, glabrous; phyllaries lanceolate or oblong, 5-8 x 1,5 mm, with narrow or relatively broad brown or whitish scarious margins. Ray flowers 20-25; ligules 10-17,5 x 2,5-4,5 mm, white. Disc flowers 3-3,5 mm. Achenes 2-2,5 mm, blackish with prominent pale-coloured ribs; ray achenes sometimes bearing short unilateral auricles up to 0,75 mm. Fl. 7-8. On open banks in forests, disturbed meadows and on slopes near seashore, s.l-1100 m.
Temperate Eurasia, from W. Europe to China; naturalized in N. America. Euro-Sib. element.
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