Psephellus erzincanii

Psephellus erzincanii

İliç tülübaşı

Perennial with woody rhizome. Stems 20-23 cm high, slender, ascending, appressed-grey-tomentose, ramified near the base, plants with 3-8 capitula. Leaves white-tomentose when young, later thinly appressed-tomentose and ± glabrescent, with a minute cartilagineous tip, elongate into a mucro in the uppermost leaves, undivided, in the lower and median ones 2-3.5 cm broad, oval, and, apart from the uppermost, with a long petiole, in the lower leaves petiole longer than the blade, in the median nearly equally long, upper leaves narrowed into a short petiole. Involucre at flowering time nearly cylindrical, 15-16 mm long, 7-8 mm broad, at fruiting time narrowly funnel- shaped. Phyllaries in many series, greenish, with prominent longitudinal nerves; appendages membranous, stramineous, in the median phyllaries triangular, shortly decurrent, ciliate with 9-11 hyaline cilia, 1-2.2 mm long on each side and a similar terminal mucro scarcely prominent; appendages of inner phyllaries gradually longer and scarcely ciliate. Flowers yellowish white, the sterile marginal shorter than the central ones, with staminodes, the inner hermaphrodite flowers tubular, 17 mm long. Achenes 7 mm long; pappus white, with scabrous bristles in many series, gradually differing in length, the longest 7-8 mm, the innermost broader, c. 3 mm long.


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