Psephellus recepii

Psephellus recepii

Şah tülübaş

Perennial with a woody base and several stems. Stems 30-35 cm high, erect, appressed-grey- tomentose, branched near the middle or below, with 3-5 capitula. Leaves thinly floccose-tomentose, undivided, the basal ones at flowering time withered, apparently with a long petiole, lower and median with a petiole up to 3 cm, ovate, acute, with a mucro at the tip, upper leaves narrowed into a short petiole or nearly sessile. Involucre narrowly ovoid, 17-18 mm long and 13-14 mm large. Phyllaries in many series, greenish, with prominent longitudinal nerves; appendages membranous, stramineous, crescent-shaped, decurrent, ciliate with c. 15 cilia on each side, 1.5-2 mm long, hyaline or brownish, the terminal mucro shorter. Flowers rose-purple, the marginal sterile radiating, with staminodes, the inner ones tubular, hermaphrodite, 19-20 mm long. Achenes 6 mm long, with a lateral-basal hilum; pappus greyish, in many series, the bristles scabrous, gradually differing in length, the longest 9 mm, the inner row of narrow scales 3.5 mm long.


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