Tanacetum albipannosum

Tanacetum albipannosum

Keçeli pireotu

Herbs, sometimes with thick woody rootstocks. Stems ± erect, leafy, 20-40 cm, 2-5-branched above, rarely simple, greyish-pubescent. Basal leaves 2-3-pinnatisect, 7-15 cm , oblanceolate in outline, greyish- or white tomentose; primary segments up to 12-16-paired, 0,5-2 cm; secondary segments linear-oblong, 8-10-paired, 1-4 mm, simple or again pinnately divided, segments obtuse, not or scarcely contiguous; median leaves similar, usually sessile; uppermost leaves pinnatisect, 1-2 cm. Capitula solitary at branch ends. Involucre greyish-pubescent, 4-7 x 7,5-12,5 mm; phyllaries ovate, acute, brown-margined. Ray flowers 20-35, white or very pale yellow; ligules 5-8 x2,5-4 mm, shallowly 3-toothed at a.pex. Disc flowers 2-2,5 mm. Achenes fusiform, 2-2,5mm, c, 10-ribbed; corona minute, 0,1-0,2 mm. Fl. 6-7. Rock crevices and rocky slopes, 1550-1700 m.

Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element.

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