Athyrium filix-foemina

Athyrium filix-foemina


Plant 40-100 cm. Rootstock erect, up to 15 cm, covered below with old leaf bases and above with blackish, lanceolate scales. Fronds erect or erecto-patent; rachis with distant chaffy scales, straw-coloured or wme-red; lamina 2-3-pinnate, pinnules oblong, sessile, acute at apex, margin deeply lobed, lobes finely toothed at apex. Sori uniseriate on each side of midrib, usually 2 x longer than broad but shorter and reniform towards the base of pinnule, indusium similar to sorus in shape, brown, papery, toothed on free margin, fixed entirely along one margin, persistent. Spores minutely papillose.Spor ripe 7-9. Damp-coniferous and Broad-leaved woodlands, 100-1700m
N. Temperate regions.
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