Asperugo procumbens
Asperugo procumbens
Straggling hispid annual. Stems 10-75 cm, repeatedly branched, retrorse-aculeolate. Leaves elliptic to narrowly elliptic-oblanceolate, strigulose, acute to subacute, margins hispid; basal 1·5-7x0·4-1·8 cm, petiolate; cauline to 2 x 0·5 cm, sessile. Flowers subsessile. Calyx c. 3 mm at anthesis, lobes triangular; fruiting calyx to 12 mm, becoming folded and clasped around nutlets. Corolla blue at first, becoming purple or violet. Nutlets c. 3 mm, pyriform, laterally compressed, attached to carpophore along lower part of ventral surface, minutely tuberculate; Fl. 4-6. Limestone and serpentine slopes, among rocks, fields and field margins, 80-2200 m.
Temperate Eurasia; introduced into N. America. Euro-Sib. element.