Buglossoides tenuiflora


Buglossoides tenuiflora


İnce taşkesen
Stem simple or much-branched at base and above middle, 10-18 cm, erect, strigulose. Leaves all cauline, 6-15 x 1,5-5 mm, narrowly elliptic to linear, obtuse, sessile, adpressed-setulose to strigulose. Inflorescence dense in flower, cymes 2-3 at ends of branches, elongating in fruit. Pedicels 0-1 mm, becoming thickened and elongate to 2 mm in fruit. Calyx c. 3 mm, yellowish-setulose, accrescent to c. 6 mm in fruit. Corolla pale blue, narrowly infundibular, c. 5 mm, limb c. 2 mm diam. Nutlets 2-2,5 x 1,8-2,2 mm, strongly bigibbous, beak distinctly incurved, scar 0,75-1 mm wide. Fl. 4-5. Limestone slopes, stony places, 600-1300 m. 
N. Africa, Balkans, S. Russia, Caucasia, Palaestine, Syrian Desert, N. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan.
  • 700
  • 6
  • 0
  • 724
  • 4
  • 0