Cynoglossum germanicum

Cynoglossum germanicum

Ssp germanicum: Köpekdili

Biennial, 30-100 cm. Stem erect, with loose soft hairs. Leaves glabrescent above, shining, bright green, rough with short scattered setae arising from small tuberculate bases beneath; basal with lamina elliptic, base cuneate, to 30 cm; cauline sessile, amplexicaul. Inflorescence paniculate, cymes ebracteate , ± lax. Pedicels deflexed in fruit. Calyx c. 4 mm in flower, 6-8 mm in fruit, sparsely setose to subglabrous. Corolla deep blue to bluish-purple, c. 4.5 mm, infundibular, scales subquadrate. Nutlets 4-5 mm, immarginate, disc flat, less densely glochidiate than ventral surface. Fl. 7. Shady deciduous forests.

C. Europe to Caucasia. Euro-Sib. element.

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