Echium parviflorum


Echium parviflorum


Kızıl engerekotu
Procumbent to ascending annual or biennial. Stems several, 10-35 cm, ± patent hispid-setose and antrorsely ad pressed-pilose. Leaves moderately subadpressed- setose and quite densely setiform-hairy, obtuse to rounded; basal 35-120 x 10-30 mm, narrowly elliptic to spathulate, distinctly petiolate; cauline smaller, upper sessile. Cymes arising in axils of most except lowest cauline leaves. Calyx 5-8 mm at anthesis, to 12 mm in fruit, lobes accrescent to c.4 mm broad at base. Corolla sky blue to white, 12-14 mm, tube densely velutinous outside except on folds and near apex, lobes ± glabrous. Stamens all included. Style bifid for c. 0·5 mm. Nutlets broadly pyramidal-bigibbous, C. 2·5 x 2 mm, coarsely tuberculate. Fl. 3-4. Rocky limestone slopes, grassy places, nr. s.l.-50 m. 
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