Echium plantagineum


Echium plantagineum


Annual or, biennial, ± softly setiform-hairy. Stem usually branched at base, 17-65 cm, patent-tomentose. Basal leaves 5-28 x 1-3·5 cm, ± broadly ovate to narrowly elliptic, blade with prominent lateral veins, often ± abruptly attenuate into a short petiole; cauline much smaller, linear-lanceolate, cordate and slightly amplexicaul. Inflorescence much-branched. Calyx 7-9 mm at anthesis, accrescent to 15 mm in fruit. Corolla bright or dark blue to purple, occasionally pink or dark reddish violet, 19-32 mm, broadly infundibular to somewhat trumpet-shaped, glabrescent or with sparse setiform hairs on veins and margin. Lower 2 anthers exserted, upper 3 included. Style bifid for c. 1 mm. Nutlets c. 2·3 x 2 mm, ovoid-bipyramidal, with prominent ventral and distinct dorsal keel, and short suberect beak, tuberculate and faintly striate. FI. 3-9. Fields, banks, waste ground, ditches, grassy and rocky slopes, etc., s.l.-2400 m.
Native to W. Europe and Mediterranean area; introduced in C. Europe, S. Russia and Caucasia. Medit. element.
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