Echium vulgare


Echium vulgare


Ssp vulgare: Engerekotu
Biennial or monocarpic. Stem usually simple , 30-50 cm, sparsely to densely patent-setose. Leaves hispid with robust white setae; basal to 120 x 11 mm, linear-lanceolate to narrowly oblong, subacute, attenuate into short petiole; cauline shorter, narrowly lanceolate, sessile. Inflorescence oblong in outline and spike-like at first, cymes elongating markedly after anthesis. Calyx 5-6 mm at anthesis, accrescent to 10 mm in fruit. Corolla intensely blue, 14-18 mm, broadly infundibular, puberulous and with sparse setiform hairs on veins outside. Stamens usually all long-exserted; filaments blue to purplish. Style bifid for c. 1 mm. Nutlets c. 2·5 x 1·5 mm, with prominent dorsal and ventral keels and narrow acute beak, irregularly scrobiculate-reticulate. Fl. 5-9. Picea and Abies forest, roadside banks, scrub, etc., s.l.-2440 m.
Europe, S.W. & C. Asia. Euro-Sib. element.
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